The Progression

Giving you what you want

whether you want it now or not

you can have whatever you want

as long as it's here

and you can pay me for it

for something

And I forgot

the rest of everything


I didn't write lyrics

I never do..

So keep that in mind

Next time you're in search

Of something fun.


Notes: you guessed it. just me making fun of capitalism lol

Emerson Possible's Cron Job Christmas Caper

Please schedule

save your bags

got a lot to make up for

Before you go out

Who knows when we'll see you again?

I don't know when I'll

get to feel the same way again

Good luck friends


Notes: "save your bags" idk if thats what i was going to say as you'll see a lot i just make it up as i go along. not sure what i meant or if that's exactly what i said

These two 'snippet' songs I put together because they were both SUPER loud on soundcloud.

I hoped, and was pleased to see, that DistroKid's Loudness Normalization took care of it.

Mustard Bones' Oil Rig

I'm not playin' the same time I'm singing

'cause that would be super dumb

I'm not playin' the same time I'm singing

'cause oh no, that's too much effort

'cause that's real dumb

why would you have your crotch

covered by some stupid looking strings

You're supposed to be thrusting

and punching the crowd

anything else

is not very punk


I honestly hate playing the guitar and just want to be like Henry Rollins or Jello, mic cord wrapped around my hand, punching the audience for the crime of breathing near me.

But no, everyone's gotta bring their own tunes i guess.

With all the guitarists out there who don't want to sing we never connect.

I certainly don't want to end up like a Chris Pratt in Parks and Rec, strumming his stupid little acoustic guitar you can't even hear while singing. Just sing, dude.

I am aware many people feel naked without it, or it helps them stay in key or connect better musically with the song

but that ain't me bro

Dogsitting House Party

Gotta paddle the poodles for Mark Zuckerburg

Gotta keep the hair trimmed, no shedding on the couch

Gotta take 'em out

Can't let em poop on the floor

Gotta make sure you do that or there will be a mess

And if there's a mess

There will be poodle meat

for dinner


I am aware when I say 'shedding' it sounds like something else. However, if i marked this song Explicit that would lend credence to the thought that is actually what i'm saying but it's not! idk these are just silly dumb songs i don't think i've uploaded anything with cuss words in it

This Pineapple Spike Strip is Nothing But Xtreme

Hot dogs in my pocket

Hot dogs in my life


And literally the rest is just me trying to fake-scream through the rest of the song so I can digitally distort it lol. I didn't even try to keep coming up with words in the midst of that

Those Purse Snatching Pharmacy Kids Hopped Off the Roof and Onto A Greyhound

Purse snatchers on the roof

Tried to tell the truth

But their mom came and spanked them to death

Was high on meth

and cheated on a math test

Where are our youth going?

Pharmacy Kids

Up and away they mutate for fun

They are gone

They mutated and flew

Away past the horizon today

"I don't wanna come back no more" they say

Enough is enough

And I'm taking my stuff back

Enough is enough

And I'm taking my stuff

Enough is enough

And I'm taking my stuff back

Enough is enough

And I'm taking my stuff back

Back to the dog pound

Where I sleep

I can't keep on

Picking up the coupons that you leave on the ground

I'm leaving on a greyhound


I don't mean the bus.


Pharmacy kids lyrics might be wrong, yet another attempt at me trying to play guitar and sing at the same time. I do not have enough brainpower left to make coherent words so idk what the words really are. I think most of it's right just the 'past the horizon' line i'm not 100% sure

That Show Goliath Is Vodka in my Hi-C

I watched that show Goliath

And it sucked so much

That show Goliath with Billy Bob Thornton is terrible and it sucks

It's really bad

It's really bad

It's awful

It's really terrible

It's really bad

Puka shells

Wading through the McDonald's parking lot

This is how I spend my time

And it's all we have left

I've got a feeling

This might be all that we have to look forward to.

And that's all

And that's ok.


i haven't actually watched Goliath

someone i know kept telling me to watch it. I got about 0.38 seconds in and got distracted so here we are

The second part is me coming out as a bit of an optimist lord help me

Overcompress the Wild West

Just compress

All the detail out of it now

I don't think anybody's gonna notice

when it's just a GarageBand project

and they

do all the same for you

Better control your temper

'cause I heard they hard-boiled those eggs

that you ordered poached

Try not to say cusswords

?? *undecipherable*

you can't make it out alive

but if you try to you might make gold

that's not covered when they go


but that's never how it went


the 'moww' between sections was a leftover part when i did the first take on vocals, i didnt record over it the 2nd try

the 2nd half wild west part was yet again a "just make noises and maybe some words over this guitar" so there's not really lyrics, just what i can decipher and what bit i can remember from when i recorded. also the thats not covered line is under where i did the fake-out fade out

Blackpilled Baby Meets The BKU

Blackpilled baby drinking fireball

Blackpilled baby drinking fireball

Blackpilled baby drinking fireball

All The Time


Can't describe it.

Hey baby

Come and take the black pill with me

Hey baby

Life is a cesspool of grief

Let's get some ground beef

Babykillers on the moon

They're here

to put you in your tomb

Babykillers on the sea

They're here

to fill you with disease

Babykillers at the supermarket

(they) spit on your shopping cart

Babykillers at the mall

They took it all


To the sun.


the 2nd part, I definitely was saying "ground beef" when I was like "really? you're saying 'ground beef' right now?" and I tried to course correct.

the BKU is BabyKillers United, 3rd part originally called BabyKillers Unite